Across America 15 Million People Still Unemployed

US Unemployment Situation Grim
US Unemployment Situation is Grim

Across America 15 million Americans are still out of work and unable to find jobs. The latest numbers from the Labor Department indicate that only 41,000 private sector jobs were created last month. Of the 431,000 new jobs added in May, 411,000 were temporary census workers hired by the government. Despite Obama’s assertion, made just days ago, that “the economy is improving and that the economic stimulus legislation passed a year ago was having a positive effect” there is little to cheer about. The president’s unrealistic predictions that “the economy is poised to start adding the jobs people need” were clearly misguided and off the mark.

These are predictable results given how aggressive this administration and the Democrat controlled Congress have been in promoting socialist policies that stifle economic activity and unreasonably punish responsible corporations and businesses. [Read more…]


Here’s What’s Happening to the Economy

American Thinker | by Randall Hoven | Mar. 12, 2009

I think I have it figured out, roughly. And I’m ready to assign blame. If my narrative is not exactly true, it is a hypothesis that appears to fit the facts. This particular hypothesis is conspiracy-free, although I still think something is really fishy about the timing of the financial crisis, peaking as it did just when McCain started leading in the polls. But until we see some smoking guns, no conspiracy theory from me. [Read more…]


A Primer on Capitalism

Capitalism Freedom Private Propertyby Chris Banescu –
In today’s turbulent financial times and difficult economic conditions, a lot of unjustified criticism and unwarranted accusations have been laid at the doorstep of capitalism. Many in the mainstream press and academia, a majority of politicians, and a large number of Americans have jumped on the bandwagon and unfairly blame capitalistic principles for the huge mess that we are in. Such widespread confusion evidences a misunderstanding by many Americans of how value is actually created in society and what capitalism really represents.

All societies, in order to prosper, grow, and take care of its citizens must create new value to sustain its economy and support an expanding population. Common sense and experience dictate that there are only three (3) possible ways for anyone in life to have, create, or obtain value (monetary or economic) or acquire any assets (property) to be able to live or sustain oneself or one’s family: [Read more…]


Buy American Stocks, I Am

Buy American Stocks, I Amby Warren E. Buffet – Oct. 17, 2008

The financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary.

So … I’ve been buying American stocks. This is my personal account I’m talking about, in which I previously owned nothing but United States government bonds. (This description leaves aside my Berkshire Hathaway holdings, which are all committed to philanthropy.) If prices keep looking attractive, my non-Berkshire net worth will soon be 100 percent in United States equities. [Read more…]


Ethical Solution to Mortgage Crisis: De-Bundle Loans and Identify Known Risks

I have just sent this appeal to my representatives in Washington. Feel free to copy and paste and send to your representatives.

Dear Representative,

Please do NOT support the $700 Billion Bailout Plan until the Banks and the Lending institutions identify the Toxic Loans and DE-BUNDLE them.

It would take very little effort on their part to identify each loan based on a computer search of their existing loans:
1. Full Default = no payments in 3+ months (Toxic)
2. Partial Default = no payments in 1-3 months (Potential Toxic)
3. Good Standing = on-time payments

[Read more…]
