Power and Leadership – Authentic Leaders Give the Power Back to the People

Power and Leadership – Authentic Leaders Give the Power Back to the Peopleby Chris Banescu –

Bob Davids, successful leader of six different businesses and co-author of Leadership without Ego: How to stop managing and start leading, reminds us of the right way that authentic leaders use the power they are given by the people. Rather than hoard that power, great leaders give all power back to the individuals who entrusted them with it.

In return, the people give these leaders even more power, thus creating a virtuous cycle that builds trust, empowers individuals at all levels of the organization to do great work, and inevitably leads to the long-term success of the enterprise and the people working there.

In his TEDx Talk, Davids explains that power is given to leaders by the people who support them. When individuals give power to their superiors, they observe how those leaders respond. If leaders take that power and give it all back to the people, the people then give those leaders even more power (support). [Read more…]


A Vocation Chooses You

You don’t choose a vocation. A vocation chooses you. by Chris Banescu –

You don’t choose a vocation. A vocation chooses you. This is an important truth I have discovered in my life. It’s also a principle that’s reflected in the lives and experiences of many others.

A vocation is different from a career. We typically choose a career. Sometimes we choose multiple careers, especially in free-market economies where the job market is in a constant state of flux. We also pursue different opportunities for earning a decent living either through entrepreneurship or consulting. We use our unique skills to help others. We start a new business or we turn our hobby into an alternative source of income. [Read more…]


Character is the Most Important Trait

Character is the Most Important Traitby Chris Banescu –

Life has taught me and continues to teach me that character is the most important trait we should look for in others. If a person does not have character, nothing else matters. This is true in our personal and professional lives. It’s true in our friendships and family relationships. It’s true in business, academia, politics, religion, and all other fields of human endeavor.

In virtually all of the business and leadership courses I have taught for over two decades, the subject of character inevitably comes up. Students ask me or I ask them about the most important characteristic or quality (they can only pick one) they should look for when working for anyone, partnering with someone in a venture, or hiring great employees. [Read more…]


Courage is the Virtue that Makes All Other Virtues Possible

Courage is the virtue that makes all other virtues possible. Courage helps us develop and sharpen our character. by Chris Banescu –
Courage is the virtue that makes all other virtues possible. Courage helps us develop and sharpen our character. Courage is what enables us to practice all the other virtues, especially when doing so exacts a significant cost in our personal life, professional career, or business.

It’s not enough to know and believe in the virtues. We must act on them. Belief in, intellectual affirmation of, or knowledge of the virtues alone is not enough to develop our character. We must practice them! And this is where courage comes in and helps us to take appropriate action.

All courageous speech and conduct must be grounded in reality, ethics, and integrity. Our words and actions must support and defend truth, goodness, justice, and righteousness. This is important, because unethical, corrupt, or wicked individuals can also use courage to support evil purposes and unrighteous goals.

Wisdom needs to accompany courage. [Read more…]


The Compass vs. The Clock, Put First Things First

by Chris Banescu –
The realization that something is not right with our lives can manifest itself in various ways. A feeling of emptiness, a bothersome disquiet, or a strange pain, like a deep sadness or a heartache, gradually or suddenly begins to trouble our souls. We feel guilty, anxious, unsatisfied, stressed, or sad even in moments when we ought to be at peace and carefree; when we should be relaxing or enjoying ourselves. For some this pain is only a vague discomfort. For others, including yours truly, the pain can often be intense and unrelenting; sometimes lasting for long stretches of time.

I discovered the reason for this mysterious affliction in the book First Things First, written by Stephen Covey, Roger Merrill, and Rebecca Merrill. They describe this particular grief as the “pain of the gap,” the gap we sense between the compass and the clock in our lives. Every time we don’t put first things first, when we fail to follow our calling and vocation and focus on the most important things in life, our conscience warns us that something’s not right and corrective measures and proactive actions are required. [Read more…]


Discern Truth and Solve Problems

Discern truth and solve problems
Life is a continuous journey in discerning truth and solving problems. Courage gives us the determination to accept truth. Discipline allows us to consistently and creatively deal with the problems.

Mistakes don’t become failures until we refuse to correct them. Often, long-term failures develop when we purposely ignore truth and make excuses instead of taking the necessary steps to correct our mistakes.

(Photo credit Pixabay)
